Our identity is the essence of our being – who God says we are and the purpose for which we were created. In codependence our identity is consumed by people – we are lost in their needs, wants, perceptions and perspective. We lose ourselves. Healing is about reclaiming our identity in Jesus and finding who God already says we are. 

Healing is about finding the treasure of our life. It’s also about looking at the layers and the reasons we lost touch. Through healing we must face, confront and feel. It requires bravery, honesty and courage. 

There is no fight like the fight for our destiny, for the idea of who we are. Other people will gladly take the space of our identity if we don’t claim it with the name and authority of our Creator. 

Through healing, we learn to separate behavior from our dysfunction. We take ownership and responsibility for our part, but we don’t take ownership for what belongs to others. We begin to sift, sort and work through the mindsets, ideas and belief. 

When we find our  identity, we can find our dreams. We can pursue our life purpose. And we can live our relationships that are healthy. 

Healing involves: 

Assessment work – we let the Holy Spirit inspect us

Trauma work – we use different strategies to understand and connect with trauma roots

Forgiveness – we release the shame we hold onto and the shame others have imposed on us

Grief work – we feel genuine feelings and enter into the processing of pain and loss

Coping work – we learn to accept new tools that will lead us out of bondage and into hope and new beginning. These are powerful spiritual tools that heal our heart and give us power to overcome. 

Boundary work – we learn to say yes and no, and to establish the gates of our heart properly. 

Purpose work – we become ready to evaluate the purpose, plan and destiny for which we were created. 

Peace work – we develop a new way of living, a new habit of living through peace rather than chaos; hope rather than despair, stability rather than fear.